A generous life is part of the normal lifestyle of a follower of Jesus.

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Building Home

Building home is not only a tangible step of obedience, it is a prophetic declaration. There is a harvest upon us. We will build His church with confidence that He will release His spirit and usher in revival. Will you partner with us? We have an amazing future ahead and we believe we will see a move of God!

Building Home Fund


Your financial support goes directly to the mission field, engaging the world with the hope of Jesus and helping to sustain our partners on the front lines. Directly support our missional partners carrying revival to the ends of the earth.

The Mission Andy Byrd

Mail a Check

If you would like to give by check please make checks payable to 'Jesus Culture' and mail to: Jesus Culture P.O. Box 566 Folsom, CA 95763

If you have any questions, please email church@jesusculture.com