Join us for church on Sundays at 8:30am, 10:30am and 12:30pm.
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We are on a journey to transform 625 Coolidge Dr into a space where we can fulfill our mandate: mobilize a generation for revival. This building will be a house where we can facilitate all that God wants to do both now and for future generations. Read more about our generosity campaign.
The CampaignAs we step into 2025, we are calling our church family to a 21 day fast, starting on Wednesday, January 1 through Tuesday, January 21. We are believing for a move of God in our local church and our city. We are praying that we would be awakened to the love of God, reminded of His faithfulness, and engage the call on our lives.
Get More InfoBanning and SeaJay Liebscher lead from a passion to see lives and cities awakened and transformed by an encounter with Jesus. By raising up leaders and equipping the church, they advance the Kingdom of God and inspire others to join the pursuit of revival in our day.
What We Believe