Latest Episode

Jesus Our Friend

June 17th, 2018


This Sunday at JC Sacramento, Banning Liebscher shares a message that is an invitation to experience the fullness of God through friendship. Often, we believe that if Jesus is our friend we will somehow lose the reverence and awe of Him. Instead, Jesus reveals to us that we can know Him as our friend and have holy reverence for Him.
God desires friendship with us and Jesus’ life on earth was marked by Him being a friend, sharing meals and doing life with people. The same is true today; Jesus wants to walk with you, to talk with you, and to have a meal with you. There is a fullness of God we cannot know until we experience Him as our friend.
This message from our Summer of Jesus series is one that you won’t want to miss!

Podcast Hosts

Banning Liebscher
Lead Pastor

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