Latest Episode

Jesus Revealed in Scripture

July 15th, 2018


As we continue our Summer of Jesus here at JC Sacramento, Banning Liebscher shares an extremely practical and challenging message on how we can all see Him more clearly: turning to the scriptures.
If we can see Jesus more clearly, we will love Him more completely.  God has given us an incredible tool that will allow us to gain fresh revelation each and every time we turn to it!  Jesus is longing to reveal Himself to you in a new and fresh way. Banning reminds us all that in any relationship the desire to “get to know” should never dissipate.  This is true especially with our relationship with the Lord! Whether you’ve known Him your whole life or just recently met the Lord, we wholeheartedly believe that practicing this daily act of discipline will cause us to continually grow in Him.  This is a timely message for the church that you won’t want to miss!

Podcast Hosts

Banning Liebscher
Lead Pastor

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