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Rise of the Reconcilers
November 18th, 2018
This Sunday our friend, Efrem Smith of Bayside Midtown Sacramento, shared a powerful message on what we, as the collective church, are called to. In a broken world, we are each called to rise up and share the power of His reconciliation. No matter your circumstances, you are called to rise up and demonstrate His love, truth, hope and peace to the world. This is a timely message that you won’t want to miss!
Pastor Efrem Smith is an internationally recognized leader who consults on issues of multi-ethnicity, leadership and community development. Pastor Smith is the former president and CEO of World Impact, an urban mission, church planting and leadership-development organization. He is the current co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church, Midtown and the author of several books.
P.S. Efrem’s latest book, Killing Us Softly, is available now and we know you’ll love it.
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